Does TERRO Ant Bait Expire? (How to Know When to Replace)

does TERRO ant bait expire

If you have been storing your TERRO ant bait for a while, you may be wondering if it has an expiration date. The simple answer is no. There is no expiration date labeled on TERRO ant bait. With that said, the liquid ant bait can change over time and become less effective as an ant killer. The ant bait may change in color and consistence and become less effective.

TERRO Liquid Ant Bait Changed Colors

New TERRO liquid ant bait is clear in color with a syrup like consistency when straight out of the box. As it ages with use and environment changes, the color of the bait can change to a yellow or even brown. This is because the sugar in the bait which attracts the ants begins to crystalize. This isn’t necessarily cause for alarm. We have used TERRO Liquid Ant Killer II T200 after it had changed in color to brown and it was just as effective at killing ants as it was when it was clear.

TERRO Liquid Ant Bait Changes in Consistency

The issue starts when the consistency of the liquid bait begins to change. The bait starts out as a syrup consistency that is very fluid and easy to pour. Over time the consistency can change to more of a gel or solid hardened state which makes it much more difficult for ants to consume and transport back to the nest. If they can’t share it with the rest of the colony friends then it becomes less of an effective bait.

As general guidance, the TERRO website recommends replacing the bait if you have had it for over a year. For T300 TERRO Liquid Ant Baits the recommendation is the change out active stations every 3 months to avoid them drying out and becoming ineffective.

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