Does Irish Spring Soap Really Repel Mice? (2022)

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Does Irish Spring Soap Repel Mice

If you have recently found a mouse in your home, you may be wondering does Irish Spring soap repel mice? There are a lot of old wives’ tales, home remedies and natural solutions on the market and it can be hard to figure out what works or doesn’t for repelling mice.

The best answer is no, there is no evidence that Irish Spring soap is a proven form of mice repellent. While it may make your home smell clean and fresh it is not a reliable solution for preventing rodent issues. The strong smell of the soap is thought to deter mice but over the course of a few weeks the smell of the soap weakens leaving you with random chunks of soap bars or soap shavings everywhere.

Video Evidence: Does Irish Spring Soap Repel Mice?

Here’s an informative video showing just how effective Irish Spring soap is as a mouse repellent. As you can see the mice on the trail cam are not deterred at all by the smell of the soap and have even gnawed on the bars.

There are much more effective methods for getting rid of and repelling mice than Irish Spring soap. Listed below are 5 preventative steps to reduce the chances you will find an unwanted visitor in your home. In addition to preventative measures, I have listed 6 of the most trusted mouse trap products on the market.

How to Prevent Mice from Entering Your Home

Whether you have a mouse problem or are being proactive, it is never too soon to take action towards preventing mice from sneaking into your home. Follow these 5 steps to prepare your house to be mice free.  

  1. Seal Exterior Cracks: Mice have the ability to squeeze through cracks and crevices as small as a dime. This is why it’s important to seal up any cracks in your home’s foundation.
  2. Keep Food Sealed: Seal human and pet food in airtight containers and clean up spills and crumbs.
  3. Reduce Clutter: Avoid having excess clutter that may attract mice and provide them with nesting material.
  4. Keep Home’s Exterior Clutter Free: Keep vegetation and firewood stacked away from your home.
  5. Cover Vents: Cover vents and chimneys with screens. This helps eliminate mice from coming in when they feel warm air and are tempted to get out of the cold.

Often preventative steps are just part of the solution. There will be times that no matter how clean or sealed your house is, you will still find signs of a mouse. There is no need to panic as there are several options available to help eliminate your mouse problem.

Best Mice Repellent Sprays and Traps

You may be feeling overwhelmed if you have found signs of a mouse in the form of nesting material, droppings, or chewed food wrappers. The good news is that there are several products on the market today to help fit your need and situation. Products range from repellent sprays, poison, glue traps, catch and release devices and traditional spring traps. These are some of our top picks in each of those categories.




Buy Now

Mighty Mint Gallon (128 oz) Rodent Natural Peppermint Oil Spray 

4,279 Ratings

Tomcat With Bromethalin Bait Chunx Pail

20,714 Ratings

CaptSure Humane Mouse Traps

13,152 Ratings

Catchmaster 72MAX Pest Trap, 36Count, White

42,803 Ratings

Feeke Trigger Mouse Trap 

12.493 Ratings

RinneTraps - Flip N Slide Bucket Lid Mouse Trap

6,319 Ratings

For more information on each of these trap options, check out our full article – How to Get Rid of Mice. I discuss which option might be best if you have children or pets. It is also important to think about where in your home or garage has the highest mouse traffic.

Happy Hunting,